Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hidden Away

Do you know what great thing God would have you do for Him? Are you frustrated because you know what you want to do - even what He would have you do - but, it just seems so far away? Take courage, because you are not alone.

Consider some of the people in the Bible whom God used to do great things. There is a common element in the lives of these people. Before Joseph was made second in command over Egypt, he was hidden away in a dungeon. Before Moses led the people out of bondage, he was hidden away in the desert. Before David killed the giant, he was hidden away in a shepherd's field. In the New Testament, after Saul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, he was hidden away for three years in the wilderness until he emerged as Paul and became the greatest evangelist who ever lived. Even after Jesus was baptized by John, He was hidden away for 40 days in the wilderness until He began His public ministry. Have you figured it out, yet? The common theme here is that before God uses us to do great things, He will hide us away. The hiding is for our benefit. Each of the people mentioned above learned absolute dependence on God during their time in hiding. Each learned to hear the voice of God.

You may know what you're supposed to do, but it can seem so far away. It's possible that God is hiding you right now to prepare you for the race you will run for Him. Instead of letting the enemy frustrate you during this time of waiting and preparation, rejoice that the Lord is giving you time to learn what it means to be completely surrendered to Him. You are a light and He will not hide you away forever. He will place you on a lamp stand so the light of Christ's love can shine through you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Joe. This is absolutely for me. I hope you know this is HUGE encouragement. I recently became a big blogger and I always post something. Check it out.
