Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Decisions without Regret

As much as the Word of God applies to every aspect of my life, there are times when I have to make a decision without a clear direction from what His Word says. That lack of clarity can cause a great deal of anxiety. If you've ever been there, you know what I'm talking about. Maybe it was a decision about a job, buying a house, or moving to another city. Whatever it is, there just doesn't seem to be a scripture that points one way or the other. Or, perhaps different scriptures seem to support different decisions. Either way, the resulting confusion can test our faith in ways we are not used to.

Paul's comments in 1 Corinthians 7:25 and again in verse 40 give us hope that if we seek God in these moments, He will guide us in His mercy by His Spirit. When I have no clarity about what I should do in a given situation, I can trust that the mercy of the Lord will lead me to make a decision that will not displease Him. That doesn't mean I will always make the best decision, but if I seek the Lord's guidance, I can rely on the fact that His mercy will not allow me to make a decision that displeases Him. Verse 38 says it's possible to do the right thing, but it's also possible to do even better. So, the decision I make may not be the best one, but I can live with that as long as I know it's a decision that did not displease the Lord. That assurance brings me peace so I can make those decisions without regret.

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